MMD 935

Article No. 500152

0 spare parts available

Service options

Add products to the service requests for warranty/non-warranty repair or exchange.

Free warranty service
kr 0,00

Most products are covered by a 2 year warranty.
To make a warranty claim you must provide a valid proof of purchase.
Please see our full warranty terms and conditions here:
Your product may be repaired or exchanged.
If your warranty claim is not approved you will receive a cost estimate from us.

Non-Warranty service not available

Due to the way in which this product is manufactured, it is not possible to offer an economical out of warranty repair service. Please purchase a replacement item instead.


Due to the age of this product, some components may not be available to complete the repair. If after assessing your product at our repair centre, we find your product cannot be repaired, we will provide you with a quote for a replacement item which is technically equivalent and compatible with the rest of your system.